Get Into Our Groove with #TargetWedding (+ a Target Gift Card Giveaway!) *CLOSED*

Content and/or other value provided by our partner, Target. I will be provided compensation for this post, but all opinions are my own. Please read my disclosure policy here.

Target Registry #targetwedding


It’s almost October which means baking time has started in our household! Once the weather starts to cool down for us, baking season begins and I absolutely love the smells that fill our house over the Autumn and Winter months. One of the other things that I love about baking season is that it gives Nathan and I something to do together other than watch TV or do the same old thing.

Most of you already know that one of the biggest things that Nathan and I really bonded over when we met was our love for food. If anything, our passion for food has grown as we’ve grown together – especially when we moved into a house that actually allowed for us to both be cooking or baking in it at the same time. Our small kitchen at our duplex usually meant only one of us could cook at a time and if the other one was in there, excuse me became the most commonly used phrase in our house.

Now that we finally have the space to cook and bake together without bumping elbows every time we move, it’s definitely brought us closer together. Because of it, our KitchenAid has been used more in the past four/five months than it had been in the past two to three years that we had it. And we’ve finally been able to stock up on new tupperware like this Pyrex 10-Piece Storage Set. I absolutely LOVE Pyrex, especially for leftovers that get reheated in the microwave because the food doesn’t stain the glass.

I paired the Pyrex 10-Piece Storage Set with some of my other favorite gadgets, like the KitchenAid and that rad cookbook/tablet holder – all of which can be found in the #TargetWedding Registry! Even if you’re not getting married, are already happily married, have no desire to ever be married – the #TargetWedding Registry is the place to go for home inspiration. They’ve got guys and gals covered. They have something for every room in your house. And they have so many things you didn’t know you needed (but I assure you that you do.)

And to celebrate just how great Target is, I think we should have a little giveaway!

$25 Target Gift Card Giveaway