The Reading Tag

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Book and Glasses

My lovely friend Samantha tagged me in this reading tag and I was pretty excited to do it now that I’ve finally taken the time to read! Plus I haven’t done a post like this in awhile. I tag everyone that wants to do this – I’d LOVE to see your answers. Just leave your post in the comments if you do it! 

1. Do you have a certain place for reading at home?

I read anywhere. Outside, on the couch, in bed, in the kitchen – pretty much anywhere I can sit, I can read.

2. Bookmark or random piece of paper?

This is a tough one to answer considering 90% of the books I read are on my iPad through Oyster. But when it comes to physical books, it’s generally a random piece a paper. The last book I read was bookmarked with a grocery receipt.

3. Can you just stop reading or do you have to stop after a chapter or certain number of pages?

It depends. On average, I have to come to what I find is a good “ending” point, even if it’s in the middle of the chapter or even carries me over into another chapter. I can’t even begin to figure out my logic in this either. But sometimes, if it’s a really good book, I’ll grab my iPad to read even just a few pages when I have a couple of minutes to spare and then I rarely have a choice when I put it down.

4. Do you eat or drink when reading?

Sometimes I’ll eat and read over lunch, but more often than not – I don’t eat while reading. However, I’m very likely to have a cup of tea with me when I read.

5. One book at a time or several at once?

I prefer one at a time. I usually fly through books in a few days so there’s no need to read more than one at a time.

6. Reading at home or everywhere?

Everywhere. Especially if it’s a good book that I have a hard time putting it down.

7. Reading out loud or silently in your head?

Silently. I can’t pay attention to anyone reading out loud for some reason.

8. Do you ever read ahead or skip pages?

Yep. Usually if the scene is slow or the book isn’t that great.

9. Breaking the spine or keeping it new?

For the few physical books I read, I always try my hardest to keep the spine as new as can be.

10. Do you write in your books?

Nope. But I do use the highlight function on my iPad for things that have any sort of significant meaning to me so I guess that’s kind of like writing in a book?

11. What are you currently reading?

I just finished Dark Hope (loved it!) and now I’m currently in the middle of reading City of Bones from The Mortal Instruments series. Next up in my queue: Yes Man, We Bought a Zoo, Warm Bodies, Wildwood, and I Am Number Four.

I’d love to hear about your reading habits in the comments!